Welcome to Bullio's API! You can use this API to access all our API endpoints, such as the Person API to look up email addresses, or the Company API to look up company information related to a domain name.

To get access to the API please chat to support.
The API is organized around REST. All requests should be made over SSL. A ll request and response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON.

The main endpoint:

The required parameter:

Email API

Enrich contacts and companies with the most relevant data from Linkedin.

Scrupp provides the most comprehensive information about contact and companies you can use in your campaigns. The full data you can see in Scrupp report.

Unverified email

Returns result from email Database without deliverable proof

GET /email/get

    state: true,
    email: john@apple.com,
    remain_credits: 32001,
    credits_consumed: 1

Verified email

Request email finding and verification

Request email

Parameter Type Description
first_name string Contact's first name
last_name string Contact's last name
domain string Company domain
GET /email/get/verified

    state: true,
    id: 1

Get result

Parameter Type Description
id string The unique ID for a single email finding task.
GET /email/result

    state: true,
    result: {
            id: 1,
            email: "iv@scrupp.com",
            result: "deliverable",
            verify_at: {
            date: "2023-12-01 10:13:44.000000",
            timezone_type: 3,
            timezone: "Europe/Helsinki"
    remain_credits: 32001,
    credits_consumed: 2

Verified email

Request email verification

Parameter Type Description
email string Email for verification
GET /email/verify

    state: true,
    id: 1

Get result

Parameter Type Description
id string The unique ID for a single email verification task.
GET /email/result

    state: true,
    result: {
            id: 1,
            email: "iv@scrupp.com",
            result: "deliverable",
            verify_at: {
            date: "2023-12-01 10:13:44.000000",
            timezone_type: 3,
            timezone: "Europe/Helsinki"
    remain_credits: 32001,
    credits_consumed: 2